Curriculum Vitae


Professional Experience

Professional Skills

Operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, UNIX/Linux
Productivity: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Microsoft Project
Web development: Oxygen, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks, Axure
Web encoding: HTML, CSS, XML (XPath, XQuery, XSLT), RDF/OWL
Programming: PHP, JavaScript / JQuery, Java
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL
Metadata: Dublin Core, MODS, MARC, TEI
Content management: WordPress, Omeka
Web accessibility: WCAG 2.0, Section 508
English (fluent); Spanish, French, German, Latin (reading competence)

Academic Positions Held

Research Expertise

Areas of Specialization

  • Epistemology
  • Metaphysics
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Critical Thinking

Areas of Competence

  • History & Philosophy of Science
  • Logic
  • Medieval Philosophy
  • Early Modern Philosophy
  • American Pragmatism



Published Academic Papers

  1. forthcoming: "Future Contingency, Future Indeterminacy, and Grounding: Comments on Todd," International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
  2. 2022: "Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil," Encounter 82(2): 1–37.
  3. Also translated in Swedish and published in Francis Jonbäck, Oliver Li, and Lina Åhlfeldt (Eds.), Vidgade perspektiv på Lidandets Problem [Eng: "Broader Perspectives on the Problem of Evil"] (Dialogos).
  4. 2020: "Is an Open Infinite Future Impossible? A Reply to Pruss," Faith and Philosophy 37: 363-369. (with Elijah Hess)
  5. 2016: "Bootstrapping Divine Foreknowledge? Comments on Fischer," Science, Religion and Culture, 4(2): 72–78.
  6. 2014: “Foreknowledge and Fatalism: Why Divine Timelessness Doesn’t Help,” in L. Nathan Oaklander (Ed.), Debates in the Metaphysics of Time (London: Continuum), pp. 253–274.
  7. 2013: “Open Theism and Other Models of Divine Providence,” in Jeanine Diller and Asa Kasher (Eds.), Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities (Springer), pp. 287–298.
  8. 2012: “In Defense of Weak Inferential Internalism: Reply to Alexander,” Journal of Philosophical Research 37: 379–385.
  9. 2011: “Peirce and Lonergan on Inquiry and the Pragmatics of Inference,” International Philosophical Quarterly 51(2): 181–194.
  10. 2011: “The Fivefold Openness of the Future,” in William Hasker, Dean Zimmerman, and Thomas Jay Oord (Eds.), God in an Open Universe: Science, Metaphysics, and Open Theism (Eugene, OR: Pickwick), pp. 69–93.
  11. 2010: “Gratuitous Evil and Divine Providence,” Religious Studies 46 (2010): 281–302.
  12. 2010: “Probability, Truth, and the Openness of the Future: A Reply to Pruss,” Faith and Philosophy 27: 197–204.
  13. 2009: “Presentism, Truthmakers, and God,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 90: 41–62.
  14. 2009: “Beyond the Chessmaster Analogy: Game Theory and Divine Providence,” in Thomas Jay Oord (Ed.), Creation Made Free: Open Theology Engaging Science (Eugene, OR: Pickwick), pp. 151–175.
  15. 2008: “Fumerton’s Principle of Inferential Justification, Skepticism, and the Nature of Inference,” Journal of Philosophical Research 33 (2008): 215–234.
  16. 2008: “Generic Open Theism and Some Varieties Thereof,” Religious Studies 44: 225–234.
  17. 2007: “The Philosophical Case for Open Theism,” Philosophia 35: 301–311.
  18. 2006: “Open Theism, Omniscience, and the Nature of the Future,” Faith and Philosophy 23: 432–459. (with G. A. Boyd and T. G. Belt)

Other Academic Publications

  1. forthcoming: Review of Patrick Todd, The Open Future: Why Future Contingents are All False (Oxford University Press, 2021). Journal of Analytic Theology.
  2. 2018: Review of Trent Dougherty and Justin McBrayer (Eds.), Skeptical Theism: New Essays (Oxford University Press, 2014). Journal of Analytic Theology 6: 784–788.
  4. 2015: Review of J. P. Moreland, C. Meister, & K. A. Sweis (Eds.), Debating Christian Theism (Oxford University Press, 2013). Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews,
  5. 2013: “Critical Thinking,” in Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., (Ed.), New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2012–13: Ethics and Philosophy (Cengage).
  6. 2010: Review of James A. Keller, Problems of Evil and the Power of God (Ashgate, 2007). Ars Disputandi [] 10: 158–162.
  7. 2005: Review of Richard Swinburne, ed., Bayes’s Theorem (Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. 113), Oxford University Press, 2002. International Philosophical Quarterly 45: 269–270.

Academic Presentations

  1. "Comments on Zagzebski, 'The Atheist's Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge," Freedom & Foreknowledge conference, Dallas, TX, August 18, 2014.
  2. "Foreknowledge and Fatalism: Why Divine Timelessness Doesn't Help," Freedom & Foreknowledge conference, Dallas, TX, August 18, 2014.
  3. "Arguing for the Existence of God," Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN, April 18, 2016.
  4. Comments on Kenneth Faber, “The Trans-temporal Totality and the Open Future,” Group Meeting of the Philosophy of Time Society, APA Eastern Division, Boston, MA, December 2010.
  5. “Five Roads to Fatalism and the Openness of the Future,” Group Meeting of the Philosophy of Time Society, APA Central Division, Chicago, IL, February 17–20, 2010.
  6. “Four Types of Gratuitous Evil,” Wesleyan Philosophical Society, Anderson, IN, March 5, 2009.
  7. “Starting, Stopping, and the Continuity of Time,” Group Meeting of the Philosophy of Time Society, APA Central Division, Chicago, IL, February 18–21, 2009.
  8. Comments on Ernani Magalhaes, “Time without Change and without Persistence,” Group Meeting of the Philosophy of Time Society, APA Eastern Division, Philadelphia, PA, December 2008.
  9. “Open Theism and the Openness of the Future,” Valparaiso University, October 21, 2008. (invited)
  10. “The Fourfold Openness of the Future,” Open & Relational Theology Engaging Science, Azusa Pacific University, April 10–12, 2008.
  11. “Indeterminism and Branching Time without Truth-Value Gaps,” University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Philosophy Dept. Colloquium, April 20, 2007.
  12. “Generic Open Theism and Some Varieties Thereof,” APA Pacific Division, “Models of God” mini-conference, San Francisco, CA, April 4–6, 2007.
  13. “Fumerton’s Principle of Inferential Justification, Skepticism, and the Nature of Inference,” Group Meeting of the Society for Skeptical Studies, APA Eastern Division, Washington, D.C., December 2006.
  14. “Peirce and Lonergan on Questions, Inference, and the Process of Inquiry,” University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Philosophy Dept. Colloquium, November 3, 2006.
  15. “A Defense of Prior’s ‘Peircean’ Tense Logic,” Group Meeting of the Philosophy of Time Society, APA Pacific Division, Portland, OR, March 2006.
  16. “Presentism, Truthmakers, and God,” EPS, Fort Worth, PA, November 2005.
  17. “Is the Future Settled or Open?” EPS, San Antonio, TX, November 2004.
  18. “The Hexagon of Opposition: Thinking Outside the Aristotelian Box.” EPS, San Antonio, TX, November 2004 (with G. A. Boyd and T. G. Belt).
  19. “Inferential Internalism, Inductive Skepticism, and Two Conceptions of Inference,” University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Philosophy Dept. Colloquium, October 2004.
  20. “A Peircean Response to Hume’s Critique of Ampliative Reasoning,” ACPA, Loudonville, NY, Spring 1997.
  21. “Chance vs. Design: Is God Really Superfluous?” EPS, Washington, D.C., November 1993.

Multimedia Presentiations

  1. 2022: "Responding to Mr. Fortenberry - A Criticism of Open Theism", Idol Killer,
  2. 2022: "Divine Providence & the Problem of Evil - 4 Views", Idol Killer,
  3. 2022: "A Philosophical Case for Open Theism (Dr. Alan Rhoda)", The Analytic Christian,
  4. 2021: "A Defense of Open Theism (w/ Dr. Alan Rhoda)", Adherent Apologetics,
  5. 2019: "The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge: The Open Theist Perspective from Alan Rhoda, Part 1," The Examined Life with Phil Kallberg,
  6. 2019: "The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge: The Open Theist Perspective from Alan Rhoda, Part 2," The Examined Life with Phil Kallberg,
  7. 2008: "Answering the Critics (Part 8 of 20)," opentheology,

Courses Taught

Christian Theological Seminary

  • Worldview and Worldview Change directed study; Spring 2019
  • God and the Meaning of Life directed study; Spring 2018
  • Philosophy and Early Christianity directed study; Fall 2015

Marian University

  • Logic lower-division; Spring 2019

University of Notre Dame

  • Philosophy of Death and Dying lower-division; Spring 2011
  • Agency, Responsibility, and Determinism lower-division; Spring 2009, Spring 2010
  • Ethics lower-division; Fall 2009
  • Philosophy of Religion lower-division; Fall 2008

University of Indiana South Bend

  • Thinking and Reasoning lower-division; Fall 2010

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • Metaphysics upper-division; Spring 2007
  • Philosophy of Religion upper-division; Spring 2006, Spring 2008
  • Inductive Logic and Probability upper-division; Fall 2007
  • Free Will directed study; Fall 2007
  • Reasoning and Critical Thinking lower-division; frequently taught
  • Introduction to Philosophy lower-division; frequently taught

Fordham University

  • Philosophy of Human Knowledge lower-division; Spring 1996–Spring 1997

Honors and Awards

Professional Service